This document is part of a series about Randall "Duke" Cunningham's attempted murder / suicide on November 25th, 2005

Home page for "Cunningham's Last Battle" web site / Contact the author / victim / witness Russell 'Ace' Hoffman

The Animated Software Company
Russell D. Hoffman, Owner and Chief Programmer
Educational software for the whole family
Founded in 1984
Carlsbad, CA
December 15th, 2005

Dear Mr. Cunningham,

Right now it may seem to you like everybody hates you, and your district and the country are ashamed of you. But hold on, my friend.
My wife and I have been your constituents since you first took office, and we NEVER voted for you. But that's all behind us, now.
I want you to know that at least two people from your district love you: My wife (Sharon) and myself. We think what you did on Monday, November 28th, 2005 was extremely honorable, and we can only imagine how hard it was. We think you set a great example for America that day and we thank you for it.

I believe we actually "met" a few days prior to your resignation, but only very briefly.

The date was the previous Friday, November 25th, 2005 (the day after Thanksgiving). The time was about 8:35 pm, and the place was Mission Road in San Marcos, CA. We nearly collided. Well, actually, we did – but only just a little. Don't worry about it – we're okay. The California driver's manual told me what to do in a situation like that to minimize the danger, and it worked – almost perfectly. (I have already sent the California DMV a letter thanking them for writing such a great book!) [ Note: While it IS a great book, the education actually came from a different source -- it took me several more months to remember what that source was. -- ACE]

By the way, I have a piece of your car, a wheel well liner, which came off during the accident and which has a sticker on it (see enclosed photocopy) indicating, for example, the date and vendor who did a recent repair job. I will be happy to mail the car part you, or, if it's okay with you, I would consider it a great honor if you let me drop it off in person, so that my wife and I could have a chance to shake your hand and thank you in the flesh. We promise we won't talk politics – or driving!

Again, I wish to thank you for your service to our great country that following Monday, and I wish to assure you that my wife and I are fine – not traumatized by the accident – and we wish the best for you and your family from here on in.
Sincerely yours,

Russell Hoffman
Grateful Citizen
Carlsbad, CA